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April 22, 2017

 Earth Day

 The Circle:
The symbol of the circle has great meaning. It represents recycling, renewal and the spiral cycling of time. History repeats itself. It also represents the regenerative process.

We must expect each other to reduce, reuse and recycle.

 Tell your story:
We must remember that talking about our times of suffering is good for mental health. Telling the story of your personal experience with adversity to empathetic listeners is a personal obligation, because it informs and prepares the listeners for adversity that may come into their own lives. It is equally an obligation for people to listen to someone who needs to tell their story.

Each one of us must write our thoughts and feeling regularly. Journaling helps the mind coalesce ideas into complete thoughts. People are more likely to take action to better their world when they have developed complete ideas from their experiences. Journaling can be motivating and relieving to the mind.

 In a technological world, we must use our resources wisely. We must recycle old parts and re-purpose items that have completed their initial reason for being. We must be fair and wise in our use of resources. Technology is a tool that we must take care of and use cautiously.

 Use resources wisely:
 In times of strife, do not sit and wait for things to get better. You must take action to reach out to those who can help you. Make a plan of how you are going to make things better. Decide what routines you will do to help your body and mind stay healthy. Work the problem to a solution.

If you are able to be self-reliant in your efforts to bring change to your life, stay humble and respect the burdens of others. If you want help, carefully consider who is able to help you.

 If your available resources are not very good, you can decide not to use them. If you are strong enough to persevere without help, monitor yourself. If or when the time comes that you can’t keep going, change your plan and use your resources cautiously. Forewarned is forearmed. Consider the nature of those resources and think of the repercussions for using them: pollution or possibility for entrapment. Planning for mitigating possible consequences is half the battle.

 Love and forgiveness:
Forgiveness is a way to show love. Forgiveness helps your mind and body stay healthy. Extreme anger and extreme fear kills brain cells. Love your neighbor as yourself.

 Optimism and hope:
Optimism and positive thinking brings hope. Hope is a weapon against tyranny. Hope motivates people to do extraordinary things. Realism combines hope with knowledge of the problem. Realism helps to fine-tune a plan of action.

Look to the past forgivingly, look to the future optimistically, but above all, be in the present so you can make good things happen.

Manage the relationships with people in your life with respect to their needs and yours. Work together to create a mutually beneficial arrangement or a compromise.

Keep going by taking one step at a time. One foot in front of the other. One small accomplishment after another until the daunting task is complete. Big tasks can always be broken into smaller steps. If it is too demoralizing to look at the big picture, focus on accomplishing the smaller steps one at a time until you have completed your goal.

 Learn from Mistakes:
Mistakes are not to be feared. Do not chastise yourself or others too much. Learn from them. Fix the mess you caused or make the person who made the mess clean it up. Approach the problem with new insight. Change your strategy until you solve the problem. Do not be too afraid to make a decision. Make a decision and stay with it. If it doesn’t work, make another decision and go with it until you have accomplished your goal.

Constructive routines keep you physically, mentally and socially healthy. Keep to the routines of your society to ensure you have more in common with your neighbor. Eat when everyone eats; play when everyone plays; work when everyone works.

 Daily and weekly routines provide stability for your mental health. Exercise and healthy eating routines provide strength for your body. Exercise and breathing fresh air should be done a few times a week. Even with sickness or disability, do what you can to ensure your muscles are working, you feel the sun on your skin and you breathe good air.

 Remember your blessings:
Whether you are suffering or you are content, remember the blessings you have. Cherish what you have. Live in a godly way so you can keep those blessings.

 Be Industrious:
Regardless of the situation you are in, you can always be industrious. Even if you are not recognized for your industry, you will always reap the benefits of your work through personal growth. Industry can be as small as reading to learn something new; or as big as creating art; or as complex as running a business. Your work may be ignored or celebrated, but you will always build character from your industry.

Forces of evil will try to make you feel despair. Never let despair overcome you. Whenever there is another person to talk to, there is hope. Whenever you have self-respect and self-determination, there is hope. Whenever you say “no” to forces that want to destroy you, there is hope. Speak about your worries. Even if your neighbor is not sympathetic to your plight, choose to survive and keep living to spite them. Challenge the evil with your personal strength. Self-respect will always defeat the forces of evil that want to drive you to self-harm.

 Anger and Disappointment:
If you are angry because you have been mistreated or betrayed either by a neighbor or by bad circumstances, you must be forgiving. Let go of your disappointment, forget about the evil people and remember the friends who helped you get through your hardship.

As you walk the path of life and choose your own direction, be grateful to those who help you. Forgive those who hurt you, but do not give them an opportunity to hurt you again.

Every day is a new beginning. A new opportunity to make good things happen. New beginnings bring hope and motivation. Try again and again with new knowledge learned from failed attempts. Do not do the same behavior expecting different results. Instead, change your strategy.

 Good and Evil:
The game of life is the push and pull of good and evil. During times of hardship, the push of evil seems powerful. Keep your focus on righteousness. Keep your self-respect and determination to hold on to the truth, because even if evil appears to be prospering, suffering people can still win a few rounds in the game. Never give-up. Eventually, the balance will tip in favor of the righteous and good will triumph.

Maintaining Balance:
Life is a content balance between good and evil; an ever-changing balance between joy and hardship. To maintain balance, you must do good deeds for those who are hurting. Be ever-vigilant for opportunities to solve problems, provide comfort, donate supplies. Do not be lazy, but instead find ways to bring light to the world.

Self-discipline also brings balance to your life. Evil and irresponsible people will try to make others suffer for them. You must counter that evil with love and diligence.

 The Fruits of Enduring Adversity:
There will be times when you must carry heavy burdens. Confidence and wisdom come from experiencing hardship. Knowing you survived and dealt with problems will bring you the calming relief of confidence and self-respect. Wisdom is the result of personal growth you achieve from mistakes and strategies you make to solve your problems.

Do not fear the trials of life. Face your fears. You will suffer less by confronting your fears than by running from them. If the world knocks you down, get back up again.

 Identify Your Needs:
If you are unhappy, carefully identify what you need. Try to find a way to fill it without harming others. If you can’t accomplish your goal without causing harm, use your resources and the people around you wisely. Try to make as small a negative impact as you can. Evaluate the problem to make sure the cost is worth the benefit and make the benefits last far longer than the cost.

 Do not rely on one person to meet all your needs. Make many friends and develop many relationships. Create a network around you. For family support, love your spouse, children and relatives. For mental peace, speak to a counselor. For companionship and new ideas, make a friend of your same gender at work.

 Each day, spend some time away from family and with members of your community. Meet people who think differently from you and listen to their opinions. You don’t have to agree with them, but you should understand them.

 Labor for the Needy:
Spend time each week doing good service for those in need. Love your neighbor as yourself. Even the most-needy is still your neighbor.

Live your life so you are not afraid of death. Live in a way that you do not owe a spiritual debt. Live with a purpose and have a spiritual goal of good service.

 With age comes wisdom. Share your wisdom with the younger generation. Teach and mentor youth as you get older. Live as a good example to others.

 Statements of Willingness

 1. I will live a self-disciplined life that reduces negative impact on the environment and the lives of others.
 2. I will use my resources wisely.
 3. I will identify my needs and find resources to meet those needs.
4. I will share my age-earned wisdom with others.
 5. I will mentor those younger than me.
 6. I will love my neighbor as myself.
 7. I will respect myself and others as I reach my goals through decisive action and focused reasoning.
8. I will cherish the beauty of my planet and respect the animals with which I share it.

Friends are those who accept you as you are, yet encourage you to improve yourself. They support your efforts at self-discipline and work with you on projects that bring good to the world. Your friends should not just be companions who entertain you, but colleagues with which you work to better your world.

 Change of place and meditation:
Once a month, leave your home and go to a different place to meditate. Spend time in nature. Focus on the miracle that is an ecosystem. Enjoy the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and feeling of your environment. Let go of your worries and focus on the gifts of the natural world.

 Enthusiasm is infectious:
When you feel disgruntled with life, communicate your problems. Discuss how they can be solved. Look for opportunities for change. Those opportunities are new beginnings. With new hope, nurture your enthusiasm. People respond to enthusiasm more favorably than resentment. Movements for change start with enthusiastic leaders.

When you are unhappy, keep your mind busy by learning new ideas, creating art, working on projects like gardening or doing service work. Tending a garden is therapeutic to your mind and body. Doing service work for others builds relationships and good will. Creating and learning helps build personal skills.

Patience is a wise and good quality, but be wary of stagnation. Remain industrious while you wait. Stay forward-thinking and ever-ready for what you are waiting for.

Be prepared:
"Be prepared" is the Girl Scout motto. It is powerful wisdom for adults as well as children. Being prepared gives you peace of mind. Think ahead and be ready for situations you face such as meetings, events, presentations, travel or personal conversations. Plan for a best case scenario, a moderately successful scenario and a worst-case scenario. Don't assume everything will go as planned. Knowing how to handle unwanted troubles with resources you bring with you is one way to identify a good leader. Putting thought into preventing potential troubles is another.


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