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Showing posts from December, 2017

Plans, Roles in Life and Friends

Dec. 27, 2017 Plans Have contingency plans for all outcomes to an upcoming situation. Have one for the best cases scenario, a moderately successful scenario and an undesirable outcome. Be ready for them all. If you are worried about the outcome of an event, make contingency plans for good, bad and in-between results. Then, do half an hour of exercise outside three hours before the event. You will get rid of your anxiety, you will have increased mental concentration, you will have fresh air and you will have time to get a new perspective on the situation. Be optimistic and ever-present during the event. Optimism is envisioning the best possible outcome. Realism is being prepared for all outcomes and pessimism should be avoided completely. Roles in Life It is hard to accept a lesser position to that of what you dreamed of. In a world where we are told to follow our dreams and that we can be anything, we form lofty goals. Do not give up on your goals, but find ways to t...

More Thoughts

Dec. 24, 2017 More Thoughts Even if you think your world is falling into the dark, always be on the side that is fighting to keep light in the world. Miracles don’t just happen out of nothing. You have to make the circumstances right for God to work through you to bring about great change. Romance is fleeting in life. Relationships based on trust last far longer. Do not base future life plans on romance. Aim to achieve a trusting, comfortable relationship. Every relationship takes effort and communication to keep it strong. People with disabilities are still people who experience the same feelings inside them as we do. We must include, accept and help them.


Dec 24, 2017 Fate Your fate is not predetermined or fixed. It is based on the decisions you make every day. It is not a thing you passively receive. It is something you actively make happen everyday through your choices. Take note of the patterns of behavior you see in yourself. The more you understand yourself, the more confident you will be as you face future challenges. Learn form your failures, be true to your inner voice, gather confidence from your hard-earned wisdom. Life is always full of choices. Don’t fear that you will only have one chance to make an important decision. You can always expend the effort to arrange circumstances so you can correct a bad decision or recover a lost opportunity. The fact that life is full of choices is good. You are always working toward new opportunities even if you don’t think you are doing that in everyday life. A little progress forward is there in each decision you make. Time is endless. It is what you do during that time that m...

Strength of Purpose

Strength of Purpose As you face challenges, you will achieve mastery over them if you have strength of purpose. You gather resolve if you are working toward something that is greater than yourself. Or, if you know that taking care of yourself will help you take care of the people who rely on you. If your challenges are repetitive, you learn better how to overcome them each time you face them.


Life "To build a comfortable existence, you must learn to play an intricate instrument called Life. When you receive the instrument, it is rough and out of tune. You must smooth it, tune it and learn to play it. As you learn, it gets easier to create what you want." --my observation of life When God begins to inspire and work through you, do not make assumptions or become impatient. Enjoy the moment while thanking God. Be confident in your work and be gracious with others. Assist those who wish to learn but always take care of yourself so that God may continue to work through you. -my observations of life If you are stupid, surround yourself with smart people. If you are smart, surround yourself with smart people who disagree with you. When we are wrong, we must be willing to learn. When we are right, we must to be easy to live with.


Dec. 11, 2017 Success We must respect each other’s successes. The successes might not be ones we would pursue and the trials may be different from our own, but we must remember they were achieved through hard work, persistence and intellect. We must also remember and respect our own successes. They are easy to forget as we come up with more desires in life. But we must remember the blessings we have that came as a result of our hard work, persistence and intellect. If we remember our blessings and appreciate each one, we will be driven to hold onto them. Excellence is an attitude. It is a belief that your efforts should produce high quality work. It is a belief that you should hold yourself to high standards. Therefore, place routines in your day that will build up your mind, body and spirit. Keep physically fit, stretch your brain by reading and problem solving and socialize with people to keep your people skills sharp and your spirits up.

Choosing a Career

Dec 11, 2017 Choosing a Career Children should not be expected to make a career choice with no information to base it on. In high school, children should shadow for a day at least three different people in three different careers. The teachers or counselor should have one mandatory family meeting with each student to discuss the student’s career plan. And, the student should be required to do an internship during the summer of their freshman year in college. Students can have personal interests such as art or working with children, but they must be taught the critical career skills that are needed by the culture at the time before they adapt their career to encompass their hobbies. For example, we need computer programmers and nurses in the current job market. Students can go to nursing school and become pediatric nurses if they like working with children. Or, students can go into a technology program and become web page designers or computer graphic artists if they like art....


12/8/2017 Marriage When choosing a marriage partner, do not focus only on beauty and physique. Look carefully at a person’s personality and quality of soul. A beautiful face can disguise a brutal heart. A handsome body can be host to an abusive mind. Look for understanding and compassion. Look for a matching intellect. Find someone who has similar interests and experiences. Then, do some tasks with that person to find out how well you work together. If you work together well on those tasks, you will work together well when you raise children or run a business or raise animals or whatever plan you have for your life.

Mental Health

12/7/2017 Mental Health You must take care of your mind. A highly technological society, in which people live longer lives and invest many years in education, has a responsibility to help people tend to their mental health. Writing your thoughts regularly is therapeutic. It is healthy to laugh at yourself years later when you read over your writings. Journaling is a record of your thought processes as you experience joy, sorrow, anger, disappointment and all the other emotions of life. If you can’t bear to record your emotions, seek out a confidant with which to share your feelings. Whatever choice you make, never bottle your emotion inside. Always seek a safe form or release, such as exercise or art. Do not engage in self-degradation. Your body is holy and your mind is sacred. Take care of both of them and keep your self-respect.


12/7/2017 Education Teach your children well. Prepare your children with a solid education in math, science, history, reading, writing, technology, critical thinking and persuasion. Children are the future. A prosperous society has an educated and critically thinking population. A population that educates their next generation will continue to thrive. The preservation of knowledge is dependent on educating the next generation. Stone crumbles, paper burns, metal rusts, plastic melts, leather rots and technology changes. Educate your children or your knowledge will be lost. Math is an elegant language that is so universal that you can make connections with people from other cultures. Math is the language of science. Respect your educators and treat them well. Support their mission to prepare a well-educated younger generation.

Strategies to Combat Loneliness

12/7/2017 Strategies to Combat Loneliness If you see people constantly come and go out of your life and you feel alone and unconnected, use this opportunity to learn about different personalities. Observe people. Ask people questions. Hear their life stories about how they arrived to the present to cross your path. You will learn much before they drift out of your life. Use the opportunity to practice your social skills. Practice how to fill an awkward silence with comments on the weather. Practice how to introduce yourself. Follow up with questions about the person you are talking to. Most people like to talk about themselves. Alternately, if you find a person who doesn’t like to talk, practice telling a brief but entertaining story about yourself. It may make the person feel more comfortable and at ease with your presence. Usually, the more questions you ask, the more at-ease your conversant will be. Keep to questions about some shared cultural experience like work, ...


12/7/2017 Love Women and men, do not be the paramour of a married man or woman. There are many single people in the world and you will find one who is right for you to marry. Marriage is sacred. It is an agreement that two people will stay together as partners. Do not cheapen yourself by being a subordinate lover to someone. Do not cheapen your respect for the object of your affection by driving him or her to take on a paramour. Do not cheapen the love and heartache you feel by turning it into lust. If the object of your affection truly is a worthy match to you, the friendship and connection you share can manifest in non-sexual ways later in life. Separate yourself from your temptation. God will help you find a worthy and available spouse. Find appropriate people and resources to build your life in an upright way. Time heals all wounds. It calms all desires. Given enough time, it can end jealousy because eventually the situation becomes irrelevant to your life. Time helps pe...


12/6/2017 Stagnation A system in perfect working order can fall into stagnation over a long period of time. Challenges keep people physically strong and mentally sharp. Challenges can come in the form of external threats to a community, law-breakers within the community or unsolved problems like illness. That is why we must keep the population physically and mentally healthy so we have an ever-ready force for armed conflict with other nations. We must be compassionate in distributing justice to those who break the rules. And, we must continually educate our population.