Dec. 27, 2017 Plans Have contingency plans for all outcomes to an upcoming situation. Have one for the best cases scenario, a moderately successful scenario and an undesirable outcome. Be ready for them all. If you are worried about the outcome of an event, make contingency plans for good, bad and in-between results. Then, do half an hour of exercise outside three hours before the event. You will get rid of your anxiety, you will have increased mental concentration, you will have fresh air and you will have time to get a new perspective on the situation. Be optimistic and ever-present during the event. Optimism is envisioning the best possible outcome. Realism is being prepared for all outcomes and pessimism should be avoided completely. Roles in Life It is hard to accept a lesser position to that of what you dreamed of. In a world where we are told to follow our dreams and that we can be anything, we form lofty goals. Do not give up on your goals, but find ways to t...